In Celebration of NYC PR: Back to My Corp Comms Roots!

May 20, 2024By Lisa Fels Davitt

By Lisa Fels Davitt Last week, I posted a tribute to PR in Washington, DC, the city that molded me professionally. Now, I am commemorating NYC, the city that molded me both professionally and personally. So, let’s talk NYC PR. My first taste of true corporate PR and communications, supporting Fortune 500 financial and professional … Read More

Thank you, DC PR

May 14, 2024By Lisa Fels Davitt

By Lisa Fels Davitt What can I say about Washington, DC? It’s the city that took me from an 18-year-old public communications major at American University to a full-fledged adult and business owner. It’s the city that gave me my start. I cut my teeth in politics at NJ Senator Frank Lautenberg’s office and volunteered … Read More

How PR Pros Should Respond to ‘Cancel Culture’

August 17, 2021By Lisa Fels Davitt

This article originally ran on PR Daily. I think PR people are predisposed to hate cancel culture. We’re in the business of promoting brands and individuals who serve brands, and cancel culture makes our job much harder to do. Also, I don’t think most PR people support “canceling” a person or brand for entertainment. However, … Read More

The 2021 Communicator’s Imperative: Take a Stand

January 14, 2021By Lisa Fels Davitt

As I read about the first-ever second presidential impeachment, I consider the reaction thus far from our nation’s top company leaders and communicators. The messaging and tone in response to the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol is a far cry from what I witnessed in the late 90s when I began my career. … Read More

Five Years Later: What’s Changed and Some Advice for PR-osperity

October 21, 2020By Lisa Fels Davitt

I could not have predicted that my firm would evolve and grow so much throughout the past five years. Succession Communications was born on October 27, 2015. Since then, the work has been challenging and rewarding, but never boring. I’m forever grateful to my phenomenal clients, colleagues, partners, family and friends. But enough about Succession. … Read More

COVID-19: Media Training Ain’t Dead, It’s Different

September 10, 2020By Nick Mitsis

Reports of media training’s death are greatly exaggerated. But in the COVID-19 era, it is different. Spokespeople are no longer focused just on the messages they deliver, but on their background scenery and performance of their technology. As a former journalist, and now with more than 20 years in the public relations, I have conducted media … Read More

Consumer RePRts: The Best Clients…And the Ones to Avoid

July 23, 2020By Lisa Fels Davitt

“COVID-19 has screwed the economy, so we have to take the clients we can get.” Wrong. That’s not only short-sighted, it could be very damaging to PR firms. A shaky economy is not an excuse to compromise our standards in the PR business. PR firms should seek out the best possible client base (similarly, in-house … Read More

Want to Earn Media Coverage? Do These Three Things…At Least

July 9, 2020By Nick Mitsis

“Oh, I don’t call to follow up with the journalists I send my email pitch to. They are too busy, and I don’t want to disturb them.” …um I’m sorry, what? That’s what a former colleague of mine told me she was told by a public relations practitioner. I couldn’t believe what I heard. As … Read More