Take the Sechel Challenge!

April 21, 2017By Lisa Fels Davitt

There’s a popular Yiddish word, sechel, which means common sense. We’ve all likely seen illustrations recently in which companies have attempted to push boundaries to generate attention and excitement, but may not have considered the backlash they would face. An obvious example of this is Pepsi. The ubiquitous Kendall Jenner was recently featured in an … Read More

I’m Back! How Can I Help?

February 9, 2017By Lisa Fels Davitt

There’s an elephant in the room, so let’s get that out of the way (not literally, despite my proximity to the National Zoo). I have not posted a blog in months. Why? Well, in 2016 I was fortunate enough to grow my business, and spent my time doing quite a bit of writing for clients … Read More

Where Will You Be in 2025?

April 7, 2016By Lisa Fels Davitt

What industry are you in? Technology? Financial services? Retail? Energy? Health care? How long have you been working in this industry? Chances are if you answered more than five years, you’ve seen some seismic shifts along the way. Take the PR industry for example. When I entered the field, we routinely issued press releases through … Read More

What Kind of Leader Are You (Asks the Empathetic Entrepreneur)?

March 14, 2016By Lisa Fels Davitt

Focus. Inspiration. Confidence. Integrity. Passion. Innovation. Authenticity. Stoicism. Positivity. Persistence. Accountability. These are just a few of the words used in Entrepreneur’s March leadership issue, which describe the qualities the best leaders possess. Thanks to my relationship with Women In Technology, I was invited to attend a riveting workshop hosted by the author of The … Read More

A Love Letter to My Profession

February 11, 2016By Lisa Fels Davitt

Last week, my client, Ebeth Johnson, known as the Breastfeeding Chef, launched a website featuring Beads by Ebeth, a line of men’s and women’s bracelets. Profits from the sale of each item help fund the creation of events, courses, consultations and resources that improve the health and wellbeing of breastfeeding mothers and their families. She explains … Read More

How Martin Luther King Used Communication to Mobilize a Nation

January 18, 2016By Lisa Fels Davitt

In commemoration of Martin Luther King Day, let’s take a moment to not only celebrate Dr. King’s life and extraordinary achievements, but to recognize and consider how his expert communication skills helped him promote his ideas and mobilize the nation. These skills proved vital to his success. So, how precisely was he able to accomplish … Read More

Will You Be the 2016 Business Person of the Year?

December 29, 2015By Lisa Fels Davitt

I launched Succession Communications just two months ago and officially became an entrepreneur. I’m learning something every day about what it takes to run a business successfully and to accomplish my goal of delivering the best possible service to my clients. In my experience, small and mid-sized companies raise a number of questions about enhancing … Read More