Five Rules to Live By In PR (And a Bonus Rule!)

November 5, 2015By Lisa Fels Davitt

Over the course of my nearly 20 years in the PR business, I’ve noticed a handful of trends and learned several best practices. For anyone starting out in the business or just interested in learning more about it, here are five rules to live by…plus a bonus rule for good measure! Plan, But be Prepared … Read More

What Succession Means to Me

October 27, 2015By Lisa Fels Davitt

2015 has been a pivotal year for me, to say the least. I turned 40. I lost two grandparents and gained my first nephew. I served as maid-of-honor in my oldest friend’s wedding and advanced my own relationship. A bittersweet year. A pivotal year. When confronted with multiple changes in an individual’s personal life, people … Read More